Saturday, November 23, 2013

BREEZER - Live Life in Orange flavour #CatchTheFlavour

An Orange one of my favourites fruit is actually a type of berry called a hesperidium. It is a nutritious & delicious fruit that has a sweet and refreshing flavour. Oranges and their flavour have a lot of benefits to offer. They contain vitamins and minerals that contribute to good health, and their antioxidant power contributes to a healthy immune system

When oranges were first cultivated, their peels were greatly treasured. They were popularly used as flavouring agents to garnish and add a tangy taste to foods & drinks. Even today, you can exploit the nutritional benefits of orange peels through countless ways including making a dish or zest using shredded orange peels.

The bacardi breezer which has many variation in flavours such as lime, Orange, cranberry, Jamaican passion,etc, Among many flavours my Favorite is "Bacardi Breezer Orange"

Orange peels contain a lot of dietary fiber. 100 grams of orange peels contain at least 10.6 grams of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is useful for preventing irritable bowel syndrome including constipation and bloating.

Moreover, Vitamin c in oranges is very beneficial as a natural skin bleacher.

Did you know that oranges contain natural acids that keep away mosquitoes, flies and other insects? Probably not.
Orange or orange flavours have so many multiple benefits, Ultimately ! bacardi breezer orange is my favourite Drink

Are you still thinking why Bacardi Breezer Orange is my favourite Drink ?